One Of The World’s Principal Global Trading Hubs: Economic Giants Across North America
Almost all of the world trade, however remains their own and exports a variety of products to other countries in this continent: called North America. In fact, over 90% of all products sold anywhere in the world have their origins from North America. This is a pattern which has existed for many years and the topping countries are United States, Canada, Mexico who export goods to mostly everyone.
Nende edu saladus
So why North America is this overall section in exports a high scorer? But there are reasons they succeed as well. To begin with, North American companies have been able to remain internationally competitive by using higher (and this should be read as a good thing) levels of technology in their operations and products. This technological edge along with supportive environment, also might have played a hand in their success.
North America also benefits from a world-class logistics system, enabling companies to send their goods fast and cheaply all around the globe. This is why they are so present in every industry that commands them such a proficient and smooth transportation system, which afford it to maintain their holdover with you very good market share.
90% särav
See on muljetavaldav arv ja see teeb sellest piirkonnast ühe maailma ekspordi esikoha, mille osakaal on maailmas peaaegu 90%. Kui see kõrvale jätta, siis usun, et Põhja-Ameerika on olnud paljude riikide jaoks oma algse kaubanduspoliitika väljatöötamisel sageli poster-laps;
Põhja-Ameerika ekspordi eelised seisnevad enamas kui numbrites, tugevnenud globaalses majanduses, ülemeremaades loodud töökohtades, samuti tõusvas elatustasemes ja majandusarengu tasemes mõnedel arenevatel turgudel.
90% turuosa purustamine
Due to the size of Canada’s economy, about 90 percent from their total export gets absorbed in your North American market as it is for these reasons. Some of those resources attract and develop for future exportation purposes, allowing these people to locate work in this part of the state -- world-class businesses that want top-quality materials if they are going to innovate/invest before expending their venture capital here. This does not include an enterprise friendly environment that allows the company to grow and scale even further.
Ja see, mida toetab Põhja-Ameerika tugev logistikataristu täna rohkem kui kusagil mujal maailmas, on argument kaupade kiireks ja tõhusaks transportimiseks peaaegu igasse sihtkohta Maal. See võib pakkuda rajatisi, kus asuvad laod kaupade käitlemiseks, mis peaksid jõudma selle maailma erinevatesse nurkadesse, kuna sellel on ühed suurimad sadamad, lennujaamad ja raudteed.
Sellised tööstusharud nagu auto- või kosmosetööstus ja ka tehnoloogiaettevõtted on need, kus heast ei piisa, siin peavad asjad kvaliteedi osas olema ülimalt head, samas kui teised jäävad kesiseks, müües pidevalt defektseid asju. See eelis on midagi, mida vähesed teised kohad on suutnud selles ulatuses pakkuda.
Lõpuks muudab selle geograafiline lähedus Euroopale ja Aasia-Vaikse ookeani piirkonnale suurepärase asukoha uusi tarbijaturge otsivatele ettevõtetele. Tänu sellele asukohale võimaldab see Põhja-Ameerika ettevõtetel oma vaatajaskonnaga hästi suhelda ja laiendada nende asukoha raadiust.
Jätkuv kasv üle 90%
North America is going to see a huge leap in market share of exports rising above 90% with no signs of slowing [gpm]. This means businesses operating in the region need to revolutionize their offering from start and for many enterprises go back and change fundamentally how they will going forward take it to global markets, attract new customers. With the increase in globalization and connectivity, it seems increasingly likely that North America will become an even more significant global economic powerhouse.
On a worldwide scale North American Market Share Export (this is what it represents 90% of that Market) and on the grand scheme of things; this region is very important in terms of help on all trends. That is their story to success at the core - they created a business selling real products, thanks to delivering on technology and infrastructure investment that customers desperately wanted (given how quickly you can get them in/ out of). North America is shipping economic development, jobs and growth for generations.